Xinhua News Agency: You said that China’s diplomacy brought much-needed stability to a turbulent world in 2024. As more transformation and chaos are expected in 2025, what role will China play in the world on the diplomatic front?
Wang Yi: As you said, we are living in a changing and turbulent world, where certainty is becoming a scarce resource. The choices made by countries, especially major countries, will determine the trajectory of our times and shape the future of the world. China’s diplomacy will stand firm on the right side of history and on the side of human progress. We will provide certainty to this uncertain world.
We will be a staunch force defending our national interests. The Chinese people have a glorious tradition of relentlessly seeking self-renewal. We never provoke, and we are not intimidated by provocations. No maximum pressure, threat or blackmail can undermine the unity of the 1.4 billion Chinese people or stop our historic strides toward the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.
We will be a just and righteous force for world peace and stability. We will continue to expand our global partnerships featuring equality, openness and cooperation, actively use the Chinese approach in resolving hot-spot issues, and write a new chapter of the Global South seeking strength through unity. We will prove with facts that the path of peaceful development is bright and can ensure stable and sustainable progress, and that it should be the choice of all countries.
We will be a progressive force for international fairness and justice. We will uphold true multilateralism, and bear in mind the future of humanity and the well-being of the people. We will promote global governance that is based on extensive consultation, joint contribution and shared benefit. We will observe the purposes and principles of the U.N. Charter, and build more consensus for an equal and orderly multipolar world.
We will be a constructive force for common development of the world. We will continue to expand high-standard opening up, and share the vast opportunities of Chinese modernization with all countries. We will safeguard the multilateral free trade system, foster an open, inclusive and non-discriminatory environment for international cooperation, and advance a universally beneficial and inclusive economic globalization.
CNN: President Trump has adopted an “America First” policy after his return to the White House. He has spoken about withdrawing from international organizations and treaties including the U.N. Human Rights Council and the World Health Organization. Does this provide a strategic opportunity for China to reshape the global landscape through international engagement?
Wang Yi: There are more than 190 countries in the world. Should everyone stress “my country first” and obsess over a position of strength, the law of the jungle would reign the world again. Smaller and weaker countries would bear the brunt first, and international norms and order would take a body blow.
At the Paris Peace Conference over 100 years ago, the Chinese asked a question resonating across the ages: Does right prevail over might, or does might make right? New China stands firm on the side of international justice, and resolutely opposes power politics and hegemony. History should move forward, not backward. A big country should honor its international obligations and fulfill its due responsibilities. It should not put selfish interests before principles, still less wield its power to bully the weak. A saying in the West goes, “There are no eternal friends, only permanent interests.” But we in China believe that friends should be permanent and we should pursue common interests.
With a keen understanding of the trend of history and our times, President Xi Jinping has proposed building a community with a shared future for mankind, and called on all countries to transcend disagreements and differences, jointly protect our only planet, and develop together the global village as our common home. This great vision reflects not only the fine tradition of Chinese civilization that the world belongs to all, but also the internationalist commitment of Chinese Communists. It enables us to see the well-being of the entire humanity, just like having a bird’s-eye view of all the mountains that would look small when we stand on a peak, as described in an ancient Chinese poem.
We are pleased to see that more and more countries have joined the cause of building a community with a shared future, over 100 countries support China’s Global Development Initiative, Global Security Initiative, and Global Civilization Initiative, and that more than three quarters of countries across the world have joined the family of Belt and Road cooperation. History will prove that a real winner is the one that keeps in mind the interests of all, and that a community with a shared future for mankind will ensure that the world belongs to every country, and that everyone will have a bright future.
Radio Republik Indonesia: In a more turbulent and uncertain world, developing countries and small and medium-sized countries are more likely than others to lose out. What do you think members of the Global South can do to protect their interests in today’s world?
Wang Yi: The world today is marked by sweeping winds and surging clouds. The dynamism of these changes originates from the South. The hallmark of our era is the prominent, growing strength of the Global South. Accounting for over 40 percent of global GDP and contributing as high as 80 percent of global growth, the Global South is a key force for maintaining world peace, driving world development, and improving global governance.
As the world is undergoing great transformation unseen in a century, historic changes are taking place in the East-West and South-North dynamics. The Global South holds the key to bringing stability to the world and making it a better place.
The Global South should strengthen themselves. Since the beginning of the year, Indonesia has become a full member of BRICS, and nine partner countries have joined the BRICS family. BRICS is emerging as a backbone of cooperation and an engine of growth in the Global South. The greater BRICS should be made bigger and stronger to give more momentum to the development of the Global South.
The Global South should stand together in unity. This year, China will host the Shanghai Cooperation Organization summit, Brazil the BRICS summit, and South Africa the G20 summit. We should speak in one voice to the world, safeguard our common interests, and steadily increase our representation and voice in global governance.